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Building name
Building sum insured
Stock in Trade Value
Machinery and Tools Value
Office Furniture Value
Interior Fixtures Value
Goods in Trust Value
Goods in Open Value
Unused Stationary Value
Others Value
Select Town
Education and Religion
Sub Sector
Select Town
External walls
Select Town
Concrete / Brick
Concrete / Brick + Iron Sheet
Concrete / Brick + Timber
Iron Sheet
Iron Sheet + Timber
Construction roof
Select Town
Asphalt Shingles
Asphalt Shingles + Clay and/or concrete tiles
Asphalt Shingles + Stone coated steel
Asphalt Shingles + Wood Shakes
Clay and/or concrete tiles
Clay and/or concrete tiles + Stone coated steel
Concrete Slab
Concrete Slab + Asphalt Shingles
Concrete Slab + Clay and/or concrete tiles
Concrete Slab + Iron Sheets
Concrete Slab + Slate and/or Fibre cement
Concrete Slab + Stone coated steel
Concrete Slab + Wood Shakes
Iron Sheets
Iron Sheets + Asphalt Shingles
Iron Sheets + Clay and/or concrete tiles
Iron Sheets + Stone coated steel
Iron Sheets + Wood Shakes
Makuti Roof
Slate and/or Fibre cement
Slate and/or Fibre cement + Asphalt Shingles
Slate and/or Fibre cement + Clay and/or concrete tiles
Slate and/or Fibre cement + Iron Sheets
Slate and/or Fibre cement + Stone coated steel
Slate and/or Fibre cement + Wood Shakes
Stone coated steel
Wood Shakes
Wood Shakes + Clay and/or concrete tiles
Wood Shakes + Stone coated steel
Total Building SI
Do you add removal of Debris ?
Debris Sum Insured
Do you wish to insure the above property against additional perils?
Select Additional Perils
Sprinkler Leakage
Subsidence and/or collapse
Bush Fire
Impact damage
Aircraft damage
Storm, Tempest and Flood
Riot, strikes and malicious damage
Spontaneous Combustion
Bursting of pipes or over flowing of water apparatus
Are any hazardous goods kept within the building ?
Acetylene (Liquid)
Barium Sulphide
Bisulphide of Carbon
Brimstone (Sulphur)
Calcium Carbide
Calcium Sulphide
Celluloid, Xylomte and other similar substances
Charcoal (Powdered)
Chlorate of Potash
Chloride of Lime
Cinematography Films
Coconut and other vegetable oils
Coir, Coir yarn
Copper Sulphide
Copra Cake
Copra Meal
Cotton, whether in full pressed bales or otherwise
Explosives of any Kind
Fulminating powder
Grasses of all kinds
Hesslans other than fully pressed
Iron bound bales
Nitrate of Soda
Nitric Acid
Oil / Oil paints
Perussian caps
Petroleum Products
Picric Acid
Potassium Sulphide
Rock Oil
Sisal Bags and sisal cloth other than in fully pressed Iron bound bales
Spirit of any kind not in bottles
Sulphur Dyes or Colours
Sulphuric Acid
Tallow (manufactured and unmanufactured)
Tar and/ or Tarred ropes and/ or tarred canvas
Vegetables Fibres of any kind
Waste of any kind
Use of building
Abattoirs & slaughter house: fat rendering using solvents
Abattoirs & slaughter house: no fat rendering or rendering using steam
Abrasive paper and or cloth factory
Abrasive wheel and powder manufacturers
Accumulator (rechargeable battery manufacturers)
Acetylene plants including acetylene based industries
Acid alkali & soda works/factories
Adhesives/gum factories flammable solvent based
Adhesives/gum factories water based
Aerated water factories
Aerial ropeway including trolley stations
Aerosol spray manufacturers
Agarbatti manufacturing
Agricultural implements dealers
Agricultural shows
Agricultural vehicle manufacturers
Agricultural show grounds
Aircraft on ground switched off
Aircraft hangars
Aircraft hangars (All other buildings)
Aircraft factories (all types)
Aircraft terminal buildings
Alcohol (industrial )storage in drums in the open
Alcohol (industrial) storage in tanks in the open
Alum works producing: Aluminium / Sulphate, Aluminium potassium sulphate
Alum works producing: Aluminium ammonium sulphate
Aluminium products factory
Aluminium/magnesium powder plants
Aluminium smelting works
Aluminium, zinc, copper factories
Ammunition factories
Amusement parks, grounds and/or arcades
Analysis laboratories and analytical chemists
Animal black factories
Animal feed factories/dealers
Areca nut and/or betel nut factories
Art galleries
Artificial manure works
Asbestos goods factories
Asbestos steam packing & lagging manufacturing
Asphalt and asphalt roofing works
Assayers (gold & silver)
Assembly, meeting halls and conference centres
Asylums or mental hospitals
Athletic clubs
Atta and cereal grinding (excluding dal mills)
Audio video cassette manufacturing
Auction sale rooms
Automatic amusement salons & arcades
Automobile manufacturing
Automobile filter manufacturing
Automobile sale rooms
Bacon curers
Bacon factory
Bags & sacks manufacturers
Bakeries & biscuits factories
Baking powder manufacturers
Balata belting manufacturers
Baled sisal in the open godowns, (in excess of 10m from processing of any kind)
Bandage manufacturers
Bar (not part of the hotel, club, restaurant)
Barrel manufacturers (metal only)
Barrel manufacturers (timber or plastics)
Bars with dance halls or discoth�que
Bars without dance halls or discoth�que
Basket weavers and cane furniture makers
Bags & fibre pressers
Baths & swimming pools
Baths (Turkish)
Battery manufacturers
Battery manufacturers(Dry cells)
Bedding manufacturers
Beads factories
Beer, wine,& spirit merchants, dealers & butlers
Bicycle and/or motor cycle repairs & workshops
Bingo halls
Biscuit factories
Bitumen works
Blanket factories / manufacturers
Blast furnaces
Bleach & dye works
Boarding houses/hostels (no liquor sales)
Boarding houses/hostels (with liquor sales)
Boat & barge builders
Boat houses (private)
Boat houses (commercial)
Boiler houses (minimum of 15m from other buildings)
Boiler manufacturers
Bolt & nuts manufactures
Bonded warehouses
Bone & ivory turners
Book binding works, envelopes and paper bag manufacturers
Book sellers, stationers & paper dealers (not waste paper)
Boot & shoe manufacturers
Boot blacking & black-lead manufacturers
Bottle factories (glass)
Bottle factories (plastic)
Bottle top manufacturers/crown cork manufacturers
Bottling plants (drinks) using cardboard/plastic packages)
Bottling plants (drinks) using glass
Bowling alleys
Box factories (metal only)
Box factories (timber)
Brake & clutch lining factories/manufacturers
Breweries with malting
Breweries without malting
Brick & tile works
Brick & tile works (no ceramics or pottery and no combustible material within 8 metres of kiln)
Bridges- concrete/steel
Bridges- wooden
Briquette (coal) and potent fuel manufacturers
Broadcasting studios
Broiler houses/poultry farms
Brush factories ( bristles & hair)
Builders & contractors yard, no mechanical woodworking
Building dilapidated/property with uncertain or disputed ownership
Building in the course of construction
Buildings (below five storeys)
Buildings, high rise (five storeys & above)
Butter & cheese factories including creameries & dairies
Button manufacturers (metal)
Button manufacturers (plastics)
Cabinet makers (wood working)
Cable factories (electric-plastic covered)
Cable factories (electric-steel covered)
Cable factories (fibre optic)
Cafes & restaurants (no dance hall or discotheque)
Cafes & restaurants (not part of hotel, & no alcohol sales)
Cafes & restaurants (with alcohol sales)
Cafes & restaurants (with dance hall or discotheque)
Cake mixer manufacturers
Calcium carbide stores
Camera factories
Camphor manufacturing
Can manufacturers
Candle factories/manufacturers
Cane works
Canneries (fish with cooking oil)
Canneries (others)
Canvas bag manufacturers
Capsule manufacturers
Car parks (in isolation)& toll plazas for bridges, motorways, & tunnels
Carbon black factories
Carbon manufacturers
Carbon paper/typewriter ribbon manufacturers
Cardamom factories
Cardboard box manufacturers
Cardboard, paste board, & mill board manufacturers
Carpenters (wood& furniture manufacturers), excluding saw mills.
Carpet beaters & cleaners
Carpet manufacturers (cotton, jute, wool)
Carpet manufacturers (others)
Carpet weaving mills(other than plastic, foam, rubber, foam backed carpets)
Carpet weaving mills (otherwise)
Carriers warehouse & transit sheds
Cashew nut factories
Cast or wrought iron pipe manufacturers
Cathode ray tube manufacturers (assembly only)
Cattle food manufacturers
Cattle marts/ auctions
Celluloid�s goods manufacturers
Cement/asbestos/concrete products manufacturers
Cement products works (cement & aggregates only)
Cement products works (otherwise)
Cement works
Ceramic & pottery works (no cellulose paint)
Ceramic & pottery works (using cellulose paint)
Ceramic works
Cereal stocks in any building irrespective of construction or occupation
Cereal stocks in any building irrespective of construction or occupation, but with iron or other non-inflammable roof, etc
Cereal manufacturers (breakfast foods)
Cereal stores (non inflammable roofs)
Charcoal works
Chemical insecticides & sprays
Chemical manufacturers (toiletry products)
Chemical works other than petrochemicals
Chemists (manufacturing & wholesale)
Chicory, mustard & pepper manufacturers
Chinaware factories
Christmas cracker manufacturers
Chocolate factories (steam heating)
Chocolate factories (non-steam heating)
Churches, chapels, mosques & akin buildings used for religious worship
Cigar, cigarette & tobacco factories
Cigar, cigarette & Tobacco shops
Cigarette filter manufacturing (using solvents with flash point below 32C)
Cigarette filter manufacturing (others)
Cinema film production studios
Cinemas & theatres excluding films
Cinemas including open air (purpose built)
Cinemas including open air (others)
Cinematography, film editing, laboratory and sound recording rooms where film processing is carried out & photo studio cum processing unit
Cinematography film editing, laboratory and sound recording rooms without film processing
Circuses (permanent massive buildings)
Circuses (otherwise)
Circus, touring drama troupes, and touring cinema theatres)
Clock & watch makers
Clothing factories/garment manufacturers
Clothing factories ( plastic or plastic laminated garments)
Clothing factories ( other than plastic or plastic laminated garments)
Clubs- night clubs, snooker clubs
Clubs- no sale of alcohol
Clubs- social, political
Clubs- sports, modern, purpose built
Clubs with sale of alcohol
Clubs-without sale of alcohol
Clutch & break lining manufacturers
Coal and or compost manure in open (excluding spontaneous combustion)
Coal and or compost manure in open (including spontaneous combustion)
Coal processing plants
Coal processing plants/coke/charcoal ball & briquettes manufacturers
Cocoa factories: steam heating
Cocoa factories: others
Coconut fibre and goods stores
Coconut matting factories
Coffee mills or factories (hulling, grinding, curing & grading)
Coffee mills or factories (hulling, grinding, curing & grading
Coffee mills (drying & washing only)
Coir factories
Cold storage & ice factories(ammonia, carbonic acid, carbonic anhydride, carbon dioxide, process only)
Cold storage & ice factories(methyl chloride or ethyl chloride process only)
Collieries-underground machinery and pit headgear
Condensed milk factories, milk pasteurising, plants and dairies
Concrete blocks & pre-cast works (wet process)
Cosmetics factories
Copra factories
Cork products
Cotton, ginnery and press houses
Cotton seed cleaning/ delinting factory
Creosoting plant
Crops in transit (hazardous)
Crops in transit (non- hazardous)
Detergent manufacturing with sulphonation plant
Detergent factory (others)
Dehydrating factories
Duplicating/stencil paper manufacturing
Dry cleaners (depots only, no processes)
Dry cleaners (use of non- Inflammable solvents)
Dry cleaners (use of inflammable solvents)
Dwellings & domestic outbuildings
Dyeing works
Dyers & cleaners
Earth ware and pottery factories
Edible fat refinery
Educational institutions
Elastic thread manufacturers
Electric & electronic goods & appliances factories
Electric lamp manufacturers
Electrical dealers (wholesale)
Electric power generating and electric transformer stations (non nuclear)
Electric power generating stations
Electronic goods manufacturing/assembly
Electronic software parks/software units
Electro plating and plating works
Emery grinders & emery paper manufacturers
Enamel factories
Enamelware factories
Engineering works (heavy, woodworking and/or painting not separate)
Engineering works (heavy, woodworking and/or painting separate)
Engineering works (light, woodworking, and or painting not separate excluding aluminium fabrications)
Engineering works (light, woodworking, and or painting separate)
Engineering workshops (light)
Engineering workshops (manufacturing nails, screws, needles, pin, barbed wire, wire mess)
Engineering workshops (manufacturing razor blades)
Engineering workshops (manufacturing sheet metals, and aluminium pressings)
Engineering workshops (manufacturing steel rolling mills, steel bars, & girders)
Engineering workshops (manufacturing steel tubes, & steel furniture makers)
Engravers (otherwise)
Engravers (photo engraving)
Envelop manufacturers
Essential oils and essence manufacturers
Estate risks, including all buildings but excluding growing crop & trees
Exhibitions, fetes
Explosive factories/stores/blasting
Fairs: trade
Fairs: travelling/amusements
Farm buildings (cowsheds, pigsties, tools, sheds including forage storage of 1/4 ton)
Farm buildings (cowsheds, pigsties, tools, sheds including forage storage of more than 1/4 ton)
Farm buildings (dairies, bottling plants, pasteurising plants, /milk processing)
Farm buildings (maize cribs and stores for cereal crops)
Farm buildings ( buildings with shingle roofs used for storage of cereal crops etc)
Farm buildings- (buildings with iron or non-inflammable roofs used for storage of cereal crops etc)
Farm dwellings and outbuildings including offices
Farm workshops
Farms (including stables, barns, granaries, sheds, etc)
Fat rendering works using solvents
Fat rendering works using steam
Feather stores
Feather works
Felt, felt cloth/goods, and felting factories: others
Felt, felt cloth/goods, and felting factories: paper felt
Fertilizer factories: non use or storage of ammonia and nitrate based products
Fertilizer factories: use of or storage of ammonia and nitrate based products
Fibre goods manufacturers/fibre & brass dressers
Fibre stores
Film manufacturing /processing/editing/magnetic tape
Film storage depot
Film studios
Filter and wax paper manufacturing
Fire brigade stations
Fire lighter manufacturers/ factories
Fire proof vaults
Firewood cutters & dealers
Fireworks manufacturers
Fish curers
Fish fryers
Fish net manufacturers
Fish oil & fish meal works
Fish shops (no frying)
Flag manufacturers
Flax /hemp mills
Flax mills/hemp mills
Floor cloth or linoleum manufacturers
Floor paint manufacturers
Floor polish manufacturers
Flour mills including communicating warehouses and silos
Flour, Millie, posho & cereal meals
Foam rubber/plastic manufacturers
Fodder mills
Food canners
Food processing and packing plant with direct heating
Food processing and packing plant without direct heating
Foundries ( wood working
Foundries (non- wood working or woodworking separate risk)
French polish manufacturing
Friction lining factories
Fruit & vegetable drying plants & stores
Fruit fumigating plants
Fruit juice/drink factories
Fruit products and condiment factories (Including fruit pulp making)
Furniture depository/ factories
Furriers manufacturing/dressers
Garages (private)
Garages (public)- motor vehicle repairs & panel beaters
Garages (public)- petrol stored other than underground
Garages-servicing and mechanical repairs of motor vehicles
Gas cylinder filling
Gas storage -in cylinders, bottles etc
Gas storage -in holders, tanks, etc
Gas works- coal or natural gas, including by-products
Gas works, metal fabrications
Gelatine factories
Ghee refineries
Glass factories
Glass fibre manufacturers & converters
Glass frame/metal spectacle frame manufacturers,
Glass paper and sandpaper manufacturers
Glassworks: converting only (no mfg of glass)
Glassworks: manufacturing of glass
Glove factories
Glucose factories/metal
Glue factories-flammable solvent based
Glue works-water based
Go downs (flax in bales, not within 22.860 metres of flax factory)
Godowns (flax not baled, not within 22.860 metres of flax factory)
Go downs & mercantile stores
Go downs (storage of rubber)
Go downs (baled sisal)
Go downs (un -baled sisal)
Go downs in Government bonded warehouses
Gold & silverware manufacturers
Golf club houses
Goods in open (non- hazardous), & GIT
Goods in open ( hazardous) & GIT
Goods in the open (excl. gas, timber,& all oils-extra hazardous goods)
Goods in the open (excl. gas, timber,& all oils-hazardous goods)
Grain cleaning works- dyeing involved
Grain cleaning works- no dyeing involved
Grain silos within risk of process area
Grain silos, not within risks of any process buildings
Granite factories using inflammable solvents
Granite factories (others)
Graphite electrode manufacturing
Grass dyers
Grease extraction works- using solvents
Grease extraction works- using steam
Grease works cloths and sponge bleachers, cleaners and wash
Green grocers
Green house/algae/spirulina and the like
Grocers & provision dealer's warehouse
Groundnut oil mills
Gum/glue/gelatine manufacturing
Gun powder factories
Gymnasiums/fitness & exercise centres, clubs
Gypsum board paper
Handloom weavers
Hard board manufacturers
Hat factories-other than straws
Hat factories-straws
Hay & straw dealers
Health centres(medical and/or residential)
Hemp/press mill
Homes & orphanages
Hosiery, lace, embroidery/thread factories
Hotels with alcohol sales- separate accommodation areas
Hydropower stations
Ice, candy, ice cream factory- storage & ice factories
Incandescent gas mantle manufacturing
Industrial diamonds manufacturing
Industrial gas manufacturing
Ink (excluding printing ink) manufacturing
Jaggery manufacturing
Jam & canning factories (heating by methods other than steam.)
Jam & canning factories (sugar & fruit boiling by steam heat only)
Jam & canning factories (boiling other than by steam heat only
Joineries (see under woodworkers)
Jute mills
Knitting works
Laundries (excluding dry cleaners)
Leather cloth factories
Leather goods manufacturing
Lime kiln
Lithographic presses
Liquefied gas bottling
Malt extraction plant
Masonic & fraternal meeting halls
Match factories
Mattress & pillow making
Mealie mills (see under flour/posho mills)
Meat processing
Metal works
Metal/tin printers
Mining risks (excluding collieries)-power houses & pump houses
Mining risks (excluding collieries)- All other surface buildings and contents
Mining shafts, timbering, and underground equipments
Mosaic factories
Nail, screw, needle, pin, barbed wire & wire mesh makers
Nitro cellulose manufacturing
Offices (sample rooms)
Oil distillation plants
Oil extraction
Oil fat reducing factories
Oil storage risks- underground storage
Oil storage risks- stored otherwise
Oil storage risks- over ground storage in any building
Oil storage risks- over ground in any building storage in steel tanks
Oil storage risks- over ground in any building not in steel tanks
Oil storage risks- over ground not in building but in steel tanks
Oil storage risks- over ground not in building but in containers other than steel tanks
Paint & varnish & cellulose manufacturers
Paint & varnish manufacturers
Paint & varnish manufacturers (mixing only)
Paper mills
Pencil manufacturers
Petrol filling stations (only filling)
Pharmaceutical- tablet, pills
Pharmaceutical �capsule making and bottle filling
Piano showrooms
Picker, preserved food and sauce manufacturers
Piers, jetties and wharves forming part of a port and structures thereof
Pillow & quilt factories: using natural or synthetic textile filling
Pillow & quilt factories: using feathers or rubber/plastic foam filling
Plasterboard factories
Plastic goods manufacturers
Plastic goods manufacturers: all process using thermoplastic material
Plastic goods manufacturers: all process using thermosetting plastic material
Plastic moulding powder and granule manufacturers
Plywood factories/wood veneering/laminating
Pneumatic tyre manufacturers
Polish manufacturers
Polyester film manufacturers
Posho mills
Post offices
Potato crisp factories
Potteries & porcelain factories
Poultry farms: otherwise
Poultry farms: no heating/indirect heating only
Poultry houses (warranted no incubators, brooders, or other artificial heat or artificial lighting)
Poultry houses (without above warranty)
Powder coating
Presses for coir yarn
Presses for carpets, rugs, and tobacco
Presses for hides & skins
Printing ink manufacturers/factories
Printing works
Printing works & printers
Provender mills/ animal feeds factories
Provision dealers (retail)
Public buildings
Public halls/houses
Pulp mills: otherwise
Pulp mills: using timber only
Pulverising plants (metals and non-hazardous goods)
Pulverising plants (others)
Pump & engine houses
Pump generator, engine houses as separate entity
Pumping plant( not in connection with underground risks)
Pyrethrum and papain drying sheds
Pyrotechnic manufacturers (plastics)
Quilt factories
Quinine factories
Rabbit skin dressers & furriers
Race course/stands
Radio & television dealers (wholesale)
Radio & television transmitting stations
Radio studios
Radio, television & record player manufacturers
Rag carbonizers
Rag dealers
Rag grinding mills
Rag warehouses
Railway locomotive builders
Railway stations
Railway station builders
Railway stations/modern incombustible terminals
Railway wagon & carriage builders-metal
Railway wagon & carriage builders-wood
Rattan works
Rayon knitting
Razor blade makers
Record manufacturers (studios)
Refrigerating stores, freezing and meat preserving works
Repairers and twine manufacturers
Research institutions
Residential flats
Residential houses
Resin, lamp black and turpentine manufacturers
Restaurants: good (first class with service)
Restaurants: others including self-service or take away
Rethreading works
Rice mills
Rice polishing units
Rolling mills
Roofing felt manufacturers
Rope factories: natural fibre
Rope works (others)
Rope, net & twine stores
Rubber drying sheds detached from any smoke house
Rubber factories, pump houses, latex collecting and coagulating sheds
Rubber foam (natural or synthetic): goods factories (other than tyres)
Rubber foam (natural or synthetic): manufacturers
Rubber products factories (tyres & tyre retreading
Rubber reclaiming plants
Rubber smoke house
Rubber stamp makers
Rubber states- growing crops
Rubber synthetic (other than foam) manufacturing plants
Rubber vulcanising works
Sac & bag manufacturers
Sail makers
salt crushing factories
Salt manufacturers
Salt mining/ manufacturers
Sample & non -vehicle showrooms
Sand paper & grass paper manufacturers
Sanitary goods manufacturers (sanitary nappies, towels etc)
Sauce, preserved foods & pickles manufacturers
Sauna baths
Sausage manufacturers
Saw mills (see under woodworkers)
Scent/perfume manufacturers
Schools & other learning institutions
Scientific instrument manufacturers
Sea foods processing
Seed cleaning works
Seed oils refiners
Sewage works
Shale oil refiners
Sheds & garages housing mechanically propelled farm vehicles
Ship breakers premises
Ship builder's yards (others)
Ship builder's yards (yachts, motor boats, etc)
Ship chandlers
Ships under construction
Shoddy mills
Shoe factories: leather
Shoe factories: rubber & canvas
Shopping centres & malls
Shops (retail & wholesale)
Shops (antique dealers, carpets, electronics, fancy goods, furniture, toys, fur)
Silent risks
Silk mills
Sisal in transit (baled)
Sisal decorticator (portable)
Sisal factories (wet & dry process) shed buildings and buildings attached communicating & buildings within 10m.
Sisal factories (wet & dry process) � baling shed buildings, & decorticating, sheds & buildings within 10m. but excluding brushing
Sisal factories (decorticating building)
Sisal factories (decorticating building with warranty that no brushing or baling is carried on)
Sisal factories (decorticating with baling but no brushing)
Sisal- un baled sisal stores (in excess of 10m from processing of any kind
Small scale industries
Snuff manufacturing
Soap & detergents factory
Soft drink factories & bottlers
Sponge iron plants
Spray painting
Stables (commercial including forage storage in excess of 1/4 ton
Starch factories
Steel tubes, steel bed, steel furniture manufacturers
Steel rolling mills, steel bar, strip and girder makers
Sugar mills, (no refining or distilling)
Sugar refinery (without distillery)
Tailor's waddling manufacturers
Tanneries-skin treating works: otherwise
Tanning (vegetable extract) factories
Tar distillers
Tarpaulin factories( manufacturing)
Tarpaulin factories(making up only, no manufacturing)
Tea blending & packing factories
Tea factories: no withering other than on incombustible material
Tea factories: withering in incombustible troughs but with combustible spreads
Tea factories-withering using combustible equipment
Telecommunications equipment manufacturers
Telephone exchange
Television & radio dealers (wholesalers)
Television & radio transmitters
Television studios with large sets and scenery storage
Television transmitting stations with studios
Television, radio, & record players manufacturers
Television picture tube manufacturers
Tennis clubs
Tent manufacturers
Tents (erected)
Textile printing/dyeing works
Textile spinning & weaving risks: cotton fibres (spinning & weaving mills)
Textile spinning & weaving risks: hemp, jute, sisal & flax
Textile spinning & weaving risks: silk spinning, & weaving mills
Textile spinning & weaving risks: synthetic fibre manufacturers)
Textile spinning & weaving risks: synthetic fibre weaving mills)
Textile spinning & weaving risks: woollen,/worsted spinning & weaving mills)
Theatres & opera houses
Tile works (slate, clay, terracotta, and/or concrete)
Tile works (wood)
Timber (sawn timber stored in the open)
Timber stores and sheds storing (sawn timber sheds)
Timber stored in unoccupied building
Timber stores or timber and wood goods in the open
Timber stores (in excess of 30m from processing area) covered sheds
Tin plate works
Tin smelting works
Tobacco barns/sheds of growers (air curing)
Tobacco barns/sheds of growers (flue curing)
Tobacco stores for cured tobacco but no curing process
Tobacco, cigar, and snuff manufacturing including re-drying
Tortoise shell works
Toy factories
Transport warehouses other than bonded
Turkish baths
Turpentine, lamp blacks & resin manufacturers
Twine & ropes manufacturers
Twine, rope & net stores
Typewriter ribbon manufacturers
Tyre re-treading works
Tyre- rubber factories
Umbrella & parasol manufacturers
Undertakers- no woodworking
Undertakers- woodworking on premises
Underwear manufacturers
Universities & polytechnics
Unoccupied buildings
Varnish & paint manufacturers
Vehicle showrooms (no repair works)
Venetian & roller blinds manufacturers- no wood or plastic
Veneer works
Veterinary surgeon premises
Vinegar factories
Vinegar breweries- manufacturers (chemical process)
Vulcanising works
Wadding factories
Wall paper manufacturers
Warehouses: combustible goods- flammable oils, paints, solvents, gases, aerosols, combustible packing etc
Warehouses: combustible goods, excluding flammable oils, paints, solvents etc
Warehouses: high piled storage goods stored on racking exceeding 4m high.
Warehouses: loose goods warehouse i.e. public operated for storage or rental
Warehouses: non combustible goods, packed in combustible wrapping, cartons or crates
Warehouses: non combustible goods, with no combustible wrapping
Waste paper merchants
Waste recovery and recycling plants
Watch makers
Water works & pumping stations
Waterproofing manufacturers/factories
Wattle extract factories (dry)
Wax manufacturers
Waxed paper and carton manufacturers
Weaving mills
Weigh bridges
Wet rubber lumps
Wheat thrashers
Wine bottling premises
Wines & spirits manufacturing/distillers
Wire manufacturers
Wireless apparatus
Wood impregnation works( creosote, and other flammable materials)
Wood impregnation works: otherwise
Woodworkers, carpenters, upholsters (hand power & electric power/machines)
Woodworkers, carpenters, upholsters (hand & electric power/machines)
Woodworkers, mechanical or hand
Woodworkers, saw millers, joiners, cabinet makers & upholsters with power
Woollen mills
Hotels, Resorts
Do you receive rental income from the building?
If yes, Rental income amount (monthly)
Indemnity Period (Rental Income)
Do you pay rental for the building?
If yes, Rental payable amount (monthly)
Indemnity Period (Rental Payable)
Add Risk